Gloss Mountain State Park // March Elopement // Modern Desert Vibe // Oklahoma

Pre Pandemic Era

There was a time where we could travel freely together, and laugh and sing and hug and dance. This was one of those times. I was lucky enough to take a random road trip across Oklahoma with my friend Abby, who is also a photographer. We decided to create our own little workshop and styled shoot made simple while traveling and having a girls trip. It was easy, fun, we laughed and most importantly got to create for ourselves. Our first couple we met was Josie and Jared, pictured below. It was remarkable to me that throughout this entire trip across Oklahoma everyone we met was kind and willing and wanted to be apart of it just as much as we did. These two are beautiful obviously but are beautiful on the inside as well. Their love was sweet, kind and gentle and I’m so lucky to have met both of them! Anyways, while we are all on house arrest, enjoy the desert series from Gloss Mountain.

Laura Powers

Luxury Destination Wedding Photographer servicing New York City to California and Jackson Wyoming

Colorful Industrial Styled Elopement // Fayetteville Arkansas // Wedding // Likewise Community


Windy Arkansas Mountaintop Engagement photos // Winter // Arkansas